rethinkingsalesrole paddihead 1
As the industry has flourished with increased demand, so has manufacturing and accessories. However, one important aspect that hasn’t evolved is the sales role. Sales development is skill development. The sales career needs a higher level of expectation and opportunity.
Corinne "Corie" Kraft
ike many experts in the pool industry, Corinne “Corie” Kraft developed her business acumen and adventuresome spirit at an early age. And the recently retired president of Valley Pool & Spa, in Greater Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has generously shared her expertise and experience with others over the past three decades.
2024 poolnationawards main 1
At the 2024 International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo, Pool Nation hosted its fourth annual awards event. The ceremony celebrated standout professionals and cutting-edge innovations in the pool industry, recognizing excellence across a range of categories.
An efficient pool build starts from the ground up. Brennan Warde, owner of ARC Pools based in San Diego, California, aims to provide that for his clients with oversized plumbing and a Jandy equipment set that comes standard with all his pool builds. Both the plumbing and equipment, he believes, make for a hydraulically efficient system. 
poolseasonreopenings 1
When the calendar flips to a new year and warmer weather inches closer, homeowners anticipate the upcoming fun they’ll have in their now-dormant swimming pools.  At the same time, pool service companies are already taking steps to meet the demand for reopenings. How they deal with this time and staffing crunch depends on the services they provide, the size of their staff and their system management tools. It’s a critical service for customers that begins long before the first signs of spring.

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