
Take Care, Pool Pros

The summer — it’s great, it’s stressful, it’s awful, it’s profitable. In the pool industry, you probably have mixed feelings when it comes to summer. The longer I work in the industry, the more I hear pros talk about how tired they are when the season ends. Your body, mental health and relationships can really take a beating. So, we decided to put together a summer survival guide for pool professionals out there grinding (Sorry, I couldn’t think of a better word for it.) 

MeganWelcome PP

This is a “do as I say, not as I do” moment because I know firsthand how easy it is as a business owner to put yourself last — after your business, your employees and your family. But after five years of powering through and ignoring my needs, I’ve got to tell you: My body is paying the price, and I have the doctor’s bills to prove it (and I don’t even work outside!) Listen, it is a journey, and sometimes going into survival mode is what we need to do, but try not to live there. Find a better way.

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Also, some exciting news on the home front! You have probably run across the section in the back of the magazine about TradeCertified — until recently, it was owned and operated by Bigfish Publications, the original owner of PoolPro, but it’s now under the Kendrick Content umbrella. We’ve got big plans to update TradeCertified and make it a valuable asset for pool service companies. Stay tuned!

Megan Kendrick, publisher

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