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Anchor Safety Pool Cover Replacement Program: A Seamless Upgrade for Your Pool Safety

The Anchor Safety Pool Cover Replacement Program offers a comprehensive solution that caters to all pool owners, not just those with existing Anchor covers. Each year, Anchor replaces thousands of pool covers, including custom shapes, solid covers, mesh covers, and even those from competitors. Here’s why it’s time to consider upgrading to an Anchor safety pool cover.

Comprehensive Coverage

One of the standout features of the Anchor Safety Pool Cover Replacement Program is its inclusiveness. Whether you have an old Anchor cover or one from another brand, Anchor’s program is designed to accommodate your needs. Anchor specializes in remaking covers with precise fits, ensuring that new holes are rarely needed. This approach not only preserves your pool deck but also simplifies the installation process.

Easy, Hassle-Free Process

Upgrading your pool cover with Anchor is straightforward and hassle-free, involving just three simple steps:

  1. Pick-Up: Contact your local dealer, who will come to your property to pick up your old pool cover.
  2. Re-Make: Your dealer will re-measure your pool to ensure the new cover fits perfectly. The cover is then remade and returned to you, tailored to your specifications.
  3. Disposal: Anchor takes care of disposing of your old pool cover at no additional cost, making the process eco-friendly and convenient for you.
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Versatile Remake Options

Anchor’s Remake Program is particularly flexible. If you have the original order number, you can easily request a remake of your Anchor cover. For those with covers from other manufacturers, the Anchor Remake Program Conversion Chart provides a detailed guide on how to switch to an Anchor cover with minimal effort. The program allows you to choose between different materials as well, such as transitioning from mesh to vinyl-coated covers, or upgrading to more robust options like Tuff Stuff or Defender Mesh for enhanced durability and safety.

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Why Choose Anchor?

Choosing Anchor means opting for a pool cover that integrates safety, durability, and aesthetic appeal. With the ability to handle any pool shape and a commitment to quality, Anchor ensures that your pool is safe for everyone around, especially children and pets, while also maintaining your pool’s cleanliness and readiness for the next swim season.

As you prepare for warmer days, consider the Anchor Safety Pool Cover Replacement Program not just as an upgrade but as an investment in safety, ease, and peace of mind. Contact your local dealer today to initiate a seamless transition to a safer and more reliable pool cover solution.

Contact Anchor Today: 800.255.5552 

Locate an Anchor Dealer Near You: https://anchorinc.com/locate-a-dealer/

Contact an Anchor Sales Representative in your area: https://anchorinc.com/contact-us-anchor-industries/

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