Preparing for the upcoming year involves strategic steps in budgeting, managing inventory and staffing. Discover effective practices that businesses employ to ensure a smooth transition into the next year, optimizing resources and aligning operations for success.
HASA, Inc., a leading provider of premium liquid sodium hypochlorite solutions for recreational, municipal and industrial water sanitization, announced several promotions intended to support the brand’s growth.
Hasa, a portfolio company of Wind Point Partners, has announced the acquisition of Orenda Technologies, a manufacturer and supplier of...
Jarred Morgan That is a tricky question that will have a wide range of responses. Being proactive is going to...
David Van Brunt David Van Brunt has been in the swimming pool industry since 1988, but you may know him...
Morgan took the family way into the pool industry: His then-girlfriend, now-wife’s family owned a pool business, and Morgan worked...