
This Issue Was More Than a Year in the Making

MeganWelcome PP

This edition of PoolPro is a bit of a departure for us, as we’ve always featured a pool professional’s smiling face on our cover from the our At the Shop photo shoot. As you can see from this issue, we’ve tried something new. 

It’s been more than a year since I approached Terry Arko, content manager for water treatment producer and distributor HASA, to talk about doing a story on chlorine. With all the upheaval and supply chain mess the pool industry has dealt with during COVID-19, it felt like we could all use a primer on how our most valuable commodity went from plant, to factory, to pool professional, to pool water. Maybe it’s just me, but I knew very little about this process. Perhaps these nitty-gritty details don’t interest you — there were definitely parts of researching this story that made my eyes glaze over — but I feel like the more information I have, the better I understand every aspect of our industry and the better I can do my job. I imagine it’s similar for all of you.

I want to thank Edgar De Jesus, Zac Nicklas and John Chakalis from Pool Nation for helping us get pictures for both the cover and body of the magazine. It just so happened that many of the instructors for their new educational app, Pool Man University, were from the same companies that we spoke to for the chlorine article. I also want to congratulate them on that endeavor — what an amazing resource they have put an incredible amount of time, money and effort into creating. I hope you’ll check it out and make it a great success.

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And speaking of another story that has taken me almost a year to complete — in May of 2022 I spent a day in Florida with National Pool Partners observing what operations looked like from the inside. Y’all, it was a ton of information to go through. When I finally finished writing the piece, it was more than 4,000 words and there were still big chunks of information that I couldn’t include. I feel like we have barely scratched the surface of the monumental task NPP, and other industry consolidators have undertaken. 

Megan Kendrick, publisher

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