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Your friendly magazine editor is now a Certified Pool Operator

Remember when we were supposed to have a commercial issue last year, but instead there was a pandemic and everything we planned went out the window? Yeah….me too. So instead of 2020 being our inaugural commercial edition, we are launching it in 2021.

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For a few years, I’ve been tossing around the idea of becoming a Certified Pool Operator. I will never have the in-the-field knowledge most of our readers do from touching pools every day, but the more I know and understand the industry, the better I can serve it. And like I do with many ideas I ponder for a long time, out of the blue I did it on a whim. I actually passed, too, receiving certification in July!

Part of me was just curious about the process of getting your CPO — and I have to say, it was fun. I got to use a part of my brain I normally don’t. I took the CPO class from our columnist, Rudy Stankowitz, and found the online format engaging and doable as a working parent.

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Clearly, I would still need plenty of training before I’d be capable of caring for a pool, much less a commercial pool. But after going through the CPO process, I’m surprised more in our industry don’t do it. It’s not expensive and doesn’t take much time; overall, it’s a rather simple way to improve your knowledge and credibility. You better believe you’ll find that CPO moniker behind my name from now on.

Megan Kendrick, CPO, publisher

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