
Your First 2024 To-do Item

2024 welcome

I probably talk about this every year in my January/February welcome, but I think it’s so important. So, once again, I’m going to ask you: Do you review your wins and losses from the previous year? I tend to move on from things — I’m happy to put 2023 in my rearview mirror and not give it another thought. But that is not being a good leader or business owner. So as we kick off 2024, our team talked about what did and didn’t work in 2023. 

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Another thing about me, and probably why I like to move on from things quickly, is that I often have unrealistic expectations of myself, so finding things to be critical of is easy. The great thing about reflecting — and especially doing it as a team — is it also helps you appreciate and recognize what you’re doing well, what you’ve accomplished and how far you’ve come.

So while there are systems, processes and stories that we want to tackle this year, my big takeaway from 2023 is how amazing the PoolPro team is. We are blessed to have teammates who not only do their jobs well and on time, but they also do things that are NOT their job without complaint. They care about their work, they care about each other and they care about you. I never want to take that for granted.

That being said, there are a couple of new (or renewed) things you’ll see from us in 2024. First, we are bringing back our training calendar. We did away with it in 2020 for obvious reasons, and it is high time we bring it back. You can check out PoolProMag.com/events to see what training opportunities are available in your area. If you have an event to add, let us know.

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We will also be offering some of our online content in Spanish. We’ll start with a couple of articles per issue, but we’d really appreciate feedback from our Spanish-speaking audience on what you’d like to see from us — just shoot me an email!

We will be busy traveling the next few months — visit our booth at The Pool & Spa Show (#3448) and say “Hi” if you see us at the National Plasterers Council Annual Conference or IPSSA Weekend of Inspiration.


Megan Kendrick, publisher, CPO


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