Sin importar el tamaño de una empresa o su presupuesto de marketing, hay una herramienta que puede nivelar el campo de juego: los testimonios. Ofrecen una oportunidad de mostrar lo mejor de uno mismo al invitar a las personas clientes a que den su opinión sobre las prácticas, productos y servicios de su empresa. Y lo mejor de todo es que son gratuitos.
No matter the size of a company or its marketing budget, one tool can level the playing field: testimonials. They offer a chance to put your best foot forward by inviting customers to provide feedback about your business practices, products and services. And perhaps the best part about them — they’re free.
Cuando se trabaja solo en el patio de un cliente, los celulares pueden ser grandes compañeros, ya que permiten escuchar un podcast o música o mantener una conversación. Pero aunque la mayoría de los lugares de trabajo tienen normas sobre el uso de celulares para las personas conductoras de vehículos de la empresa y las personas empleadas de la oficina, las normas para las personas trabajando en campo son más ambiguas.
When working alone in a client’s backyard, cellphones can be great companions, allowing you to listen to a podcast or music or have a conversation.
Hear from veteran pool professionals as they delve into the realms of leadership and accountability. While business leadership has been extensively discussed across various platforms, what does it specifically entail in the context of the pool industry?
When Jordan Demeter and Sam Stroud, brothers and owners of Spartan Pool & Patio, talk about their business, the concept of legacy frequently emerges, beginning with the story of how they got their start.
Summer is here and for many that means hours spent relaxing by the pool and soaking up the sun. But for pool technicians, who average 20 to 30 hours of outdoor work a week, avoiding the sun is a priority.
“Pool service is about customer service,” says Philip Datz, owner of Zippy Pool Care in Sarasota, Florida. “High-quality service is...
Spartan Pool & Patio Norman, Jordan Demeter, 34, Co-ownerSam Stroud, 34 Co-owner Sam Stroud and Jordan Demeter both lost...