For a company that’s been manufacturing chemicals for 90 years, one might expect the secret sauce to be in the formulas Haviland Enterprises churns out in its pool and spa water treatment and stain removal products. But those who know better realize it’s the people who continue to propel the company’s success.
Founded in 1934 by J.B. Haviland in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the company began providing coatings and finishes to the furniture industry. Now with more than 250 employees and 600,000 square feet of manufacturing space, Haviland has evolved into a premier supplier of chemicals for cleaning, water treatment, plating and recreational water solutions.
“The company has maintained that same dedication to always try to do the right thing, invest in its employees and maintain that small company vibe but constantly adding little pieces to get better,” says John Bereza, Great Lakes regional sales manager for Haviland Consumer Products Company. The 21-year employee, who has held a number of titles, took a leap of faith in 2003 and left a down payment on a house and a whole life behind when he moved across Michigan to take a position at Haviland.
“I could not be happier with that decision,” he says.
While Bereza points to the company’s willingness to begin tableting chemicals for easier distribution and use, vice president Brian Schoen touts Haviland’s borate technology as being the best in the industry. Meanwhile, John Bokor, director of sales, points to the stain removal products for propelling the company forward.

An important shift
No matter what direction the conversation takes, all agree the company’s employee stock ownership plan was a positive step. In 2012, the Haviland family sold the rest of their shares in the company to make it entirely employee-owned.
“One of the best benefits we have is that we’re 100% employee-owned, so that helps drive our culture, our initiatives and the way that we do business every day,” Schoen says. “It gives everybody an additional purpose. Everybody knows that what they’re doing adds value to the company.”
But it wasn’t just the Havilands who made the company a family affair. Schoen’s father, Terry, spent 40 years contributing to the team atmosphere where Schoen began as operations manager in 2013.
“The building blocks that the Haviland family put in place for us and some of those old-guard folks — my dad being one of them — really set a good stage for us, and that helped project us into the next level,” he says.
With that loyalty is a willingness for all employees to jump in to lend a hand, no matter how mountainous or menial the task, Bokor says. From blue collar to white collar, there is never hesitation on whose job description fits the call for action.
“If we have to move these boxes or unload this truck, or someone called in sick, that’s fine — it is a 100% team effort,” he says. “It’s hard to put into words the effect that employee ownership has because we all know what we need to do to get the job done, and we all help. If there’s a problem or a question, everybody chips in and tries to come up with a solution.”
And just what is it that makes the team so special?
Most will point to CEO Meg Post for her forward-thinking ideas, excellent leadership and ability to create an indelible team atmosphere.
“[Post] has a much bigger vision on where she sees the company going and what we want to do,” Bokor says. “It’s not uncommon to see her walking through the warehouse, talking to people.”

Forward march
Whatever is next for Haviland, all agree that the future is bright.
Bereza says the company’s willingness to bring operations in-house to rely less on supply chains has been an asset to growth.
“Tableting on our pool side and bringing that in-house has been a game changer, but in a couple years, we might bring in another process that is even bigger,” he says. “It’s our willingness to do more things internally to secure our own future.”
Bereza adds the employees’ ability to check their egos at the door and do it together is what truly makes the company flourish.
“There are people in positions right now who are not trying to reach a higher level on their own — they’re trying to bring the company up to a higher level,” he says. “When you have everyone going in the same direction, you get an amazing forward momentum that really is inspiring, and it’s very easy to work in that environment,” Bereza says.
Bokor agrees whatever is in store for the future, they will shoulder the burdens and celebrate the triumphs together.
Trust, responsibility and ownership are what really make Haviland.”
John Bokor, Haviland
“Are there going to be failures? Absolutely,” he says. “But you take those experiences, you learn from them and you move on. Trust, responsibility and ownership are what really make Haviland.”