Deborah Martin - 2024 30 Under 40
Deborah Martin - 2024 30 Under 40

Deborah Martin, 39

Owner/operator, The Pool Medic

Deborah Martin - 2024 30 Under 40

Deborah Martin inherited a passion for pools from her father and uncle, and she couldn’t have wished for anything better.

“My journey in the industry started with me being born,” she says. “My dad had his own company, and as far back as I can remember, I was poolside.” 

She moved to California at 17 and in 2002 took over her uncle’s company after his death and helped run a retail store for about five years.

Today, Martin owns The Pool Medic in Clovis, California, and loves what she does. 

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“I had a lot of flexibility to be available for my children when they were younger,” she says. “I have been in the industry for 24 years full time, and I have been able to provide for my family. Living in central California, there are plenty of pools for me and my company.”

As Martin looks toward the next 24 years of her career, she would like to continue to educate others at trade shows, emphasizing spearheading events for female professionals. 

“Being a woman in the industry, we have to work so much harder to get recognized and taken seriously by other companies and customers,” Martin says. “I want to be able to help boost another female’s confidence to do her job at a high standard.”

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